Bench Pins, Saw Frames & Blades, Oh My! Part 1: Bench Pins
A block of wood and a C-clamp
If you’ve found yourself without access to a studio, you’re not alone!
In this first of 3 posts, you'll find a short list of bench pin options along with a few with Pros and Cons. If you have something to add to the discussion, please do so in the comments below.
Bench Pins
A bench pin extends your work area beyond the table top, it supports your work and allows you easy access from all sides. The V-slot provides space for the blade to cut while supporting your work. Any slots cut beyond this are gravy. I like to cut a couple of mini V-slots at the end of each tongue, one to keep my saw frame from sliding while I'm loading a blade and the other to hold pieces while filing. Bench pins are made of wood for a lot of good reasons, but the best is so that you can modify it in a pinch simply using your jewelers saw!
A block of wood and a C-clamp
This is the simplest option of all!
PROS: Very inexpensive and made to order. You might already have a 6" piece of wood and a C-clamp at home. If not, email/text your friends or neighbors and ask if they can help you out. If sourcing through friendships isn't an option, these items are available at a local hardware store. Check the area where they make cuts for customers, they'll probably give you the scrap of wood for free.
CONS: None, in a pinch.
Combination Bench Pin & Anvil
PROS: It has a build in anvil and is affordable.
CONS: The pin itself is very narrow at 1.75" wide and you'll have to cut a v-slot and notches yourself. Note: This can be done with a jewelers saw, a scroll saw blade and a little elbow grease.
Multi Use Bench Pin
PROS: This is a versatile bench pin for those that are cutting jumps rings and setting stones. It comes pre-notched and has a couple of milled trays to hold stones and small components. It will clamp onto a tabletop up to 2" thick. It's easy to install/remove and very affordable.
CONS: The biggest con is the width at 2.5", which could be challenging for newbies.
Studio Flux Bench Pin by Thomas Mann
PROS: The is a great pin for those that are new to sawing. It comes pre-notched and has a couple of handy little piercing support areas. It has a 6 x 4" wide work area, which will give your work plenty of support. It's easy to install/remove and will clamp onto a tabletop up to 2" thick. It also has 2 pre-drilled holes to mount the pin permanently to a tabletop.
CONS: It's a little more expensive than the Multi Use pin.